Two arms, one holding the other
Moody shadows on a wall

What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a unique therapy that rapidly rewires the neural pathways of the brain, replacing negative behaviours and outdated beliefs with new life-affirming, positive ones.

Developed by world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer

It combines the most effective aspects of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, psychology and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).

By accessing the subconscious (emotional) mind while under hypnosis, RTT uncovers the root cause of issues and most importantly, reframes unhelpful core beliefs, values, habits and emotions that lie deep in our subconscious allowing for permanent, powerful and transformational change. 

I was expertly trained by Marisa Peer and her highly-experienced team in RTT and I can directly access, repair and release any of your mental blocks or negative beliefs. 

For more information please see the video on the right where Marisa Peer herself explains how Rapid Transformational Therapy was developed and how it can benefit you.

Transformation & Timeline

Transformation is an individual experience, so it’s normal for different people to have different responses to an RTT session. The mind learns by repetition and some of us need more repetition than others. As we, and our issues, are all different changes will vary in expression and timeframe. 

Following treatment, I provide you with a support eBook and a personalised hypnosis recording to listen to. Listening to it one or two times a day for 28 days is crucial to achieving all three of these experiences of change.

There are three types of change: 

Some people get instant results, a huge ‘a-ha’ moment, or a shift. 

Some people find the change happens gradually over a few weeks. 

Some people say the change feels almost unnoticeable then an epiphany comes and shows them that they’re different from who they were when they began their journey.

Sofa with three stuffed animals

How can RTT help with fertility challenges?

When it comes to fertility treatment, RTT could be the missing piece of the puzzle. RTT accesses your subconscious mind, uncovering any limiting beliefs you may have that are linked to infertility and are inaccurate, outdated or not even your own. 

In an RTT session, I take you back through the times in your life that are most significant to your infertility. They may not necessarily be traumatic; these memories can be pleasant and still limit you – it all comes down to how you’ve interpreted them. 

For most of our young adult life we try to avoid falling pregnant because we want to study, work, travel, buy a house and find the right partner. Conversations about not wanting to fall pregnant can heavily imprint on our mind and have a residual effect on our body. However, 10 to 15 years down the track when you do want to fall pregnant, your body may be deeply wired to prevent that from happening. 

You don’t know what your mind has held onto until you access the subconscious through hypnosis. If you have suffered trauma, or have fears or worries around giving birth or becoming pregnant, you might be carrying intense emotions that are signaling to your body that it’s not safe to conceive right now. This is when RTT is useful. We discover what your mind is holding onto and change that specific belief so that your mind can clearly communicate to your body that you want a baby and your old belief is now obsolete.

Online / Zoom

Online sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions. Most clients prefer to receive treatment in the comfort of their own home. I conduct most of my sessions over Zoom, but I assure you the experience is of the highest quality.

To ensure the session is delivered and received as smoothly as possible, I provide all clients with a preparation guide in advance so they can enjoy a thoroughly calming and enjoyable experience.

My VIP @ Home Service for RTT is available by request. Limited spots only.

  • My life changed

    “Since having just the one session with Tanja my life changed. I'm more positive about the future and have been making my health and wellbeing a priority. I'm more comfortable at opening up to others and not ashamed of how I feel or the journey I'm on.“

  • Tanja was amazing

    “Tanja was amazing, I felt comfortable and trusted her from the start. Her voice was calming which helped me relax and I didn't feel judged. She has also continued to support me and check in since the session, which I really appreciate. I would definitely recommend her services.”

  • Kind & respectful

    “The specialized audio Tanja made me was amazing and I listen to it everyday. Tanja is genuine at wanting the best for her clients and is kind, respectful and helps you break through barriers and make lasting changes.”

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